Prop 109 is about hunting, fishing, and harvesting wildlife. Vote "yes" if you are for making hunting, fishing, and harvesting wildlife a constitutional right. The State Legislature will also be able to make laws regulating these activities. It will also establish hunting and fishing as a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife. A vote "no" keeps current laws about hunting and fishing the same.

It's not necessary to smoke marijuana to reap its benefits. Marijuana is an herb, and like most herbs that you've ever heard of, it is edible. People appear to be knowledgeable about the marijuana brownie, although there are lots of bud recipes out there. Those work well, and work.
Of the two drugs, meth is the worst. I've known. It's the worst drug out there. There are absolutely reason or no benefits to utilizing it.
According to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, (source) It looks like meth is having an easier time straight from the source of it in Missouri than in Illinois. The Missouri legislature recently struck down a proposal that would allow small towns in Missouri make tighter legislation concerning meth, while at exactly the exact his comment is here same time struck down a similar proposal that would allow medical use of marijuana. Illinois, on the otherflip side is moving closer to making recreational marijuana legal and passing legislation that would allow small cities to vigorously fight the sale of crystal meth.
The law can be hard , but it is the law . Then take it to change description through the means, if you believe it is not sufficient or if it lacks the essential provisions that would keep your needs in line. Doing so , would not only further your cause, but also further the cause of marijuana as a whole. Find a local chapter of a medical marijuana advocacy group in your area, if you want to know more about how you could contribute .
"Look at the situation we're in now. Sequesters. Cuts. Everything cut across the board. Now, the government is tapped into the biggest cash crop in the world," Chong said.
You think happy thoughts. Have fun and you just want to go out! You think to do and you're a more happy person. Medical marijuana enables you to feel free. You do not stress yourself out and you relax. Relaxing is key to alleviate depression. Stress contributes to worsen a depression. The stress. If you use marijuana on a weekly or daily basis, you will feel like an all around happier individual.